Tyto alba
Distribution:A resident throughout the UK apart for the Scottish highlands.

Habitat:They nest in farm buildings as well as churches, sheds and natural holes in trees. They inhabit farmland and other open country with scattered trees.

Diet:Mice, voles and shrews.

Athene noctua
Distribution:Found in England and Wales with a few in southern Scotland.

Habitat: It likes lowland farmland with hedges and copses, parkland and orchards. Most common in central, southern and south eastern England, and the Welsh borders.

Diet:Small mammals and birds, beetles and worms.

Asio otus
Distribution: It breeds thinly across the UK with fewer birds in the south-west and Wales.

Habitat:Breeds in coniferous woodland or, occasionally, hawthorn scrub, usually close to open country such as moorland. Winters near rough grassland and marshes.

Diet:Small rodents, and small birds in winter.

Asio flammeus
Distribution:Resident and winter visitor. Scarce, breeding most commonly in Scotland, but also parts of England and Wales, but only occasionally in Ireland. In winter more widespread and numerous.

Habitat:Breeds in open country - moors, heaths, young conifer plantations. In winter also on rough fields, salt-marsh etc.

Diet:Small mammals, such as voles, shrews, mice, rats, hedgehogs, birds up to thrush size and amphibians.

Strix aluco
Distribution:It is a widespread breeding species in England, Wales and Scotland but not found in Ireland.

Habitat:The tawny owl is nocturnal so it is often heard calling at night, but much less often seen. Breeds and winters in woods, parks and gardens.

Diet:Small mammals and rodents, small birds, frogs, fish, insects and worms.

Buteo buteo
Distribution:Resident. Occurs mostly in hilly country in the north and west of the region - much of Scotland, Lake District, Wales and south-west England. In Ireland, only in the north-east. Absent or scarce from most of eastern England, although slowly spreading east.

Habitat:Hills, wooded valleys and farmland with scattered woods.

Diet:They feed on small mammals, like voles and rabbits, but also birds, reptiles, amphibians, insects and worms.

Aquila chrysaetos
Distribution:Mainly found in Scotland, favouring islands and remote glens though a few can be seen in the north of England.

Habitat:It lives in the wild, open moorlands and mountains of the Scottish Highlands.

Diet:Birds and mammals - some carrion.

Accipiter gentilis
Distribution:To be found throughout England and Wales and parts of Scotland.

Habitat:Best looked for near large areas of woodland and forests with glades and paths for it to hunt along. Can also be seen hunting over more open countryside.

Diet:Birds and mammals.

Falco subbuteo
Distribution:A summer visitor. Now breeds across central, southern and eastern England, into S Wales and just about reaching northn England and S Scotland.

Habitat:Best looked for hunting over woodland edges, heathlands where there is plenty of large insect prey. Gravel pits are a popular feeding areas in late summer when there is plenty of food.

Diet:Insects and small birds

Falco tinnunculus
Distribution:Our commonest falcon and a widespread resident over all Britain and Ireland.

Habitat: Kestrels are found in a wide variety of habitats, from moor and heath, to farmland and urban areas. The only places they do not favour are dense forests, vast treeless wetlands and mountains.

Diet:Kestrels feed on small mammals, such as voles, shrews and mice, birds as large as Starlings, and invertebrates, such as beetles, grasshoppers and worms. In gardens, they will take meat scraps.

Calidris minuta
Distribution:Thinly scattered from south-west England, Wales and north to Shetland. In winter birds leave upland areas and come down to inland lowland and coastal areas.

Habitat:Breeds on open moorland. In winter also on coastal fields and marshes.

Diet:Mainly small birds.

Accipiter nisus
Distribution:In the UK it is found everywhere where, except for parts of the Scottish Highlands, the Western Isles and Shetland.

Habitat:Woods, wooded farmland and even parks in city centres.

Diet:Small birds.

Circus cyaneus
Distribution:Upland heather moorlands of Wales, Northern England, N Ireland and Scotland (as well as the Isle of Man).

Habitat:Main breeding habitat moorland and young conifer plantations. In winter found on fields and rough pasture, particularly coastal areas, marshes and often roosts communally in favoured reedbeds.

Diet:Mainly small birds and mammals.

Pandion haliaetus
Distribution:A summer visitor. Its main UK stronghold is in Scotland where it nests at Loch Garten, Speyside, and Loch of the Lowes, Perth. It recently began breeding in England at Bassenthwaite, Cumbria, and a pair can also be found in Wales in the Glaslyn valley.

Habitat:Wooded islands and lakesides. Feeds on fish in lakes etc and also visits coast.


Falco peregrinus
Distribution:Found accross the UK mainly in the uplands of the north and west and rocky seacoasts.

Habitat:Coastal cliffs, mountains and moorland. Occasionally in cities.

Diet:Medium-sized birds, such as wading birds, pigeons and small ducks.

Milvus milvus
Distribution:At one time confined to Wales, a reintroduction scheme has brought them back to many parts of England and Scotland. Central Wales, central England - especially the Chilterns, central Scotland - at Argaty.

Habitat:Wild and rugged landscapes, of wooded valleys and uplands.

Diet:Carrion, worms and small mammals.