Limosa limosa
Distribution:In winter coastline and estuaries of south and west England and Ireland
Habitat:Breeds on wet meadows. On passage and winter found on marshes and muddy estuaries.
Diet: Prey includes beetles, flies, grasshoppers, dragonflies, mayflies, caterpillars, annelid worms and molluscs.

Actitis hypoleucos
Distribution:Scotland, Wales N Ireland and the north of England. In winter it may be seen along the south coast, and on spring and autumn passage it can be found elsewhere in the UK.
Habitat:Along fast rivers and by lakes, lochs and reservoirs.

Gallinago gallinago
Distribution:They are widespread as a breeding species in the UK, with particularly high densities on northern uplands but lower numbers in
southern lowlands (especially south west England).
Habitat:Moorland and around the edges of pools in well-vegetated wetlands.
Diet:Small invertebrates, including worms and insect larvae.

Numenius arquata
Distribution:Around the whole UK coastline with the largest concentrations of found at Morecambe Bay, the Solway Firth, the Wash, and the Dee,
Severn, Humber and Thames estuaries. Greatest breeding numbers are found in N Wales, the Pennines, the southern uplands and E Highlands of Scotland
and the Northern Isles.
Habitat:Breeds on moors, boggy heaths, upland pasture. In winter, distribution is mainly coastal, especially the large estuaries, except in Ireland
where many winter inland.
Diet:Worms, shellfish and shrimps.

Calidris alpina
Distribution:Breeds in the uplands of Scotland, Wales and England. Greatest numbers found on the Western and Northern Isles and the Flow
Country of Caithness and Sutherland in scotland, in the Pennines in England.
Habitat:Breeds on grassy moorland and peat bogs. Winters on estuaries, saltmarshes and sandy shores.
Diet:Insects, snails and worms.

Pluvialis apricaria
Distribution:In summer they inhabit upland moorlands in the S Uplands and Highlands of Scotland, the Western and Northern Isles, the Peak District,
N Yorkshire, Wales and Devon. In winter they move to lowland fields, forming large flocks, often in the company of lapwings.
Habitat:Tundra, wet moor, on migration pasture & estuaries
Diet:Worms and beetles

Tringa ochropus
Distribution:A winter visitor largely confined to England and Wales.
Habitat:Any freshwater margins - marshes, lakes, gravel pits and rivers. In winter it likes sewage works, watercress beds and freshwater marshes.

Tringa nebularia
Distribution:Confined to the N and W of Scotland in summer.In winter it is found on the estuaries of SW England, Wales, W Scotland and N Ireland.
Habitat:Inland around lakes and freshwater marshes, as well as at coastal wetlands and estuaries, with the largest numbers close to the coast.
Diet:Worms, snails and fish

Vanellus vanellus
Distribution:Throughout the UK particularly in lowland areas of northern England, the Borders and eastern Scotland.
Habitat:Lapwings are found on farmland and permanent unimproved pasture, meadows and fallow fields. They can also be found on wetlands with short vegetation.
Diet:They feed on invertebrates, such as earthworms, beetles, flies and caterpillars that are on or close to the surface.

Charadrius dubius
Distribution:A summer visitor. Virtually confined to England and Wales, uncommon in the latter and very occasionally in Scotland.
Habitat: Gravel pits, reservoirs, sewage works and shingle river banks.

Calidris minuta
Distribution:Autumn visitors. The best place to see them is on the east and west coast of the UK in autumn.
Habitat:Mudflats and saltmarsh.
Diet:Mainly insects; also crustaceans and molluscs

Tringa totanus
Distribution:A common and familiar species throughout Britain.
Habitat:Breeds on wetlands, moorland, water-side meadows, both coastal and inland. In winter, most found on tidal estuaries and mudflats.
Diet:Insects, earthworms, molluscs, crustaceans.

Charadrius hiaticula
Distribution:A common and familiar species throughout Britain.
Habitat: Breeds on shingle or sand by the coast and occasionally on inland sites such as gravel pits.
Diet:Flies, spiders, marine worms, crustaceans, molluscs.

Philomachus pugnax
Distribution:Mainly a migrant but in the UK some birds are present all year round. It breeds in a very few lowland sites in eastern England, and it
appears that numbers are dropping.
Habitat:Breeds in grassy fields. Winters on estuaries and marshes.
Diet:Insects, larvae, frogs, small fish, seeds

Tringa erythropus
Distribution:A winter visitor. On coastal wetland sites, especially in North Kent and Essex, Hampshire and West Wales.
Habitat:Freshwater and coastal marshes, lakesides, estuaries and lagoons.
Diet:Insect larvae, shrimps and worms

Tringa glareola
Distribution:A migratory visitor. Most counties in England, Scotland and Wales record Wood Sandpiper annually.
Habitat:Occurs on passage beside freshwater lagoons, lakes and marshes.
Diet:Insects, worms, spiders, shellfish and small fish.

Scolopax rusticola
Distribution:It can be found in suitable habitat in summer throughout the UK, except for south-west England.
Habitat:Breeds and winters in woodland with ground cover and damp areas. Feeds in nearby fields after dusk.
Diet:Worms, beetles, spiders, caterpillars, fly larvae and small snails.
| GreyHeron

Ardea cinerea
Distribution:Common resident throughout most of Britain and Ireland. Some continental birds also winter here.
Habitat:Wetland marshes, gravel pits, reservoirs, lakes and rivers and estuaries. Usually seen standing silently at the water's edge, waiting for prey.
Will come to gardens with ornamental fish ponds and fish farms.
Diet:Mainly fish